An inspectorate report said that the integrated community schools initiative in Scotland had enhanced joint working between schools and other agencies to provide support for young people, particularly the most vulnerable. But it had not been fully successful in its aim of establishing a new over-arching vision and framework for the delivery of education and other children's services, using schools as the hub.
Source: The Sum of its Parts?: The development of integrated community schools in Scotland, HM Inspectorate of Education in Scotland (0131 244 0650)
Links: Report
Date: 2004-Sep
An article explored the ways in which concepts of 'consumerism' and 'citizenship' informed the approaches adopted by Scottish local authorities to public participation.
Source: Kevin Orr and Mark McAteer, 'The modernisation of local decision making: public participation and Scottish local government', Local Government Studies, Volume 30 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2004-Sep
The Scottish Executive announced (following consultation) that local authorities would be able to raise the council tax rate for second homes and long-term empty properties, in an attempt to increase the supply of affordable housing.
Source: Council Tax on Second and Long-term Empty Homes: Analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Report (pdf) | Shelter Scotland press release | Guardian report
Date: 2004-Aug
A cross-sectional analysis of the Scottish Household Survey 2001 examined a range of neighbourhood factors for links with three health outcomes and two health-related behaviours. The results supported the hypothesis that the neighbourhood had a multi-dimensional impact on health. There was also some evidence that the relationship between neighbourhood factors and health varied according to the population subgroup, although not in a consistent manner.
Source: Alison Parkes and Ade Kearns, The Multi-dimensional Neighbourhood and Health: A cross-sectional analysis of the Scottish Household Survey, 2001, CNR Paper 19, Centre for Neighbourhood Research (0141 330 5408)
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2004-Aug
A report examined ways of improving community planning in Scotland.
Source: Making a Difference: Community planning a year on - Report of the Community Planning Implementation Group, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report | SE press release
Date: 2004-Jul
The Scottish Executive announced a new 104 million Community Regeneration Fund, aimed at improving Scotland's most deprived areas and helping individuals and families escape poverty. The fund combined and replaced three existing programmes (the Social Inclusion Partnerships funds, the Better Neighbourhood Services Fund, and the Tackling Drugs Misuse Fund) and would be targeted on the communities identified in the Scottish index of multiple deprivation.
Source: Press release 12 July 2004, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: SE press release
Date: 2004-Jul
The Scottish Parliament approved the Local Governance (Scotland) Bill. The Bill introduced single transferable voting for local government elections; lowered the age at which people could stand as a councillor from 21 to 18; removed certain political restrictions on council employees standing for local authority elections; and established an independent remuneration committee for councillors.
Source: Local Governance (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Text of Bill (pdf) | SE press release
Date: 2004-Jun
A new edition of the Scottish 'index of multiple deprivation' was published. The index ranked small areas across the whole of Scotland by their levels of relative deprivation. There were particular concentrations of deprivation in the Glasgow area.
Source: Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2004: Summary technical report, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Technical report | Data (Excel links) | SE press release (1) | SE press release (2)
Date: 2004-Jun
A report summarised an evaluation of how successful 'people's juries' and 'people's panels' were as mechanisms for increasing community involvement and input into local decision making. It said that panels and juries could be effective methods for promoting community engagement and participation if they were used appropriately.
Source: Robert Stevenson, Evaluation of People's Panels and People's Juries in Social Inclusion Partnerships, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Date: 2004-Apr
A report by a committee of MSPs endorsed a Bill to introduce proportional representation in local government elections in Scotland. The Bill was subsequently endorsed by the full Parliament. Scottish local authorities expressed 'extreme disappointment'.
Source: Stage 1 Report on the Local Governance (Scotland) Bill, 2nd Report 2004, SP Paper 110, Scottish Parliament Local Government and Transport Committee, TSO (0870 606 5566) | Press release 24 March 2004, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (0131 474 9200)
Links: Report | Evidence | Guardian report | COSLA press release
Date: 2004-Mar
An audit report expressed concerns about the way local councils in Scotland managed their financial relationships with arm's-length organisations. Councils provided around 200 million to approximately 12,000 external organisations: yet survey findings suggested that some councils might not be complying with best practice principles.
Source: Following the Public Pound, Audit Scotland for Accounts Commission and Auditor General (0131 477 1234)
Links: Report (pdf) | Audit Scotland press release (pdf)
Date: 2004-Mar